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8x12 King Chicken Coop in Hanover, PA

in Hanover, PA
- Also serving All South Central PA & Northern Maryland
Base Price: 
Total Price: 
10.99% APY 10-Year Ally Financing: 
$59.00 per mo*
*Credit check required. $4,500 minimum. Ask about all details & terms. Other plans available.
**Sales tax not included. Ask about all program details and terms.
A manager will contact you to provide more information on this structure

Here's a King sized solution to the egg shortage problem! Available now at our Hanover location. Other sizes available too. For more info call Erik Waltz or Dennis at 717-646-0771

8x12 King Coop
Index #: HCK NH-20476
Navajo White LP Siding
Trim: Clay
Shingles: Natural Timber
8' x 7' Exterior Run Area
8' x 5' Interior Area
5 Nesting Boxes
Exterior Feed Storage Compartment